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6,804 bytes added, 12:05, 26 July 2009
[ Capoten] - Capoten can be used alone in treating high blood pressure. Its blood pressure lowering effect can be further enhanced by the addition of a diuretic (water pill) medication. Capozide is an example of a medication that combines the effect of capoten with a diuretic (water pill). By reducing resistance in the arteries, capoten can be useful in the treatment of congestive heart failure. In treating heart failure, capoten usually supplements conventional treatment, including a diuretic and digoxin (Lanoxin). After a heart attack, capoten has been found to be effective in improving functioning of the damaged heart. It is also used to treat kidney disease associated with diabetes.
<h3>Drug name</h3>
Capoten (Captopril)
<h3>Drug Uses</h3>
Capoten can be used alone in treating high blood pressure. Its blood pressure lowering effect can be further enhanced by the addition of a diuretic (water pill) medication. Capozide is an example of a medication that combines the effect of capoten with a diuretic (water pill). By reducing resistance in the arteries, capoten can be useful in the treatment of congestive heart failure. In treating heart failure, capoten usually supplements conventional treatment, including a diuretic and digoxin (Lanoxin). After a heart attack, capoten has been found to be effective in improving functioning of the damaged heart. It is also used to treat kidney disease associated with diabetes.
<h3>How Taken</h3>
Capoten should be taken on an empty stomach one hour before meals. Do not take antacids containing aluminium or magnesium within 1 hour before or 2 hours after taking this medicine.
<h3>Drug Class and Mechanism</h3>
Capoten is an ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor. ACE is an enzyme in the body which is important for the formation of angiotensin II. Angiotensin II causes constriction of arteries in the body, thereby elevating blood pressure. ACE inhibitors such as captopril lower blood pressure by inhibiting the formation of angiotensin II, thus relaxing the arteries. Relaxing the arteries not only lowers blood pressure, but also improves the pumping efficiency of a failing heart and improves cardiac output in patients with heart failure.
<h3>Missed Dose</h3>
If you miss a dose of Geodon , use it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not use 2 doses at once.
Store this medicine at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and light.
<h3>Warnings Precautions</h3>
Do not take this medicine if you have had an allergic reaction to it, other ACE inhibitors, or if you are allergic to any ingredient in this product. Do not exceed the recommended dose without checking with your doctor. It may take several weeks for this medicine to work. Do not stop using this medicine without checking with your doctor. Laboratory and/or medical tests including liver function, kidney function, blood pressure, blood counts, and blood electrolytes may be performed to monitor your progress or to check for side effects. Keep all doctor and laboratory appointments while you are taking this medicine. This medicine may affect certain lab test results. Make sure laboratory personnel and your doctors know you use this medicine. Before you have any medical or dental treatments, emergency care, or surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. This medicine may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting, especially when you begin taking this medicine. Do not drive, operate machinery, or do anything else that could be dangerous until you know how you react to this medicine. Using this medicine alone, with other medicines, or with alcohol may lessen your ability to drive or to perform other potentially dangerous tasks. If dizziness occurs, sit up or stand slowly.
This medicine may cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Avoid exposure to the sun, sunlamps, or tanning booths until you know how you react to this medicine. Use a sunscreen or protective clothing if you must be outside for a prolonged period. Drink plenty of fluids during exercise or other activities where excessive sweating may occur. If you experience difficulty breathing; tightness of chest; swelling of eyelids, face, or lips; or if you develop a rash or hives, tell your doctor immediately. Do not take any more of this medicine unless your doctor tells you to do so. This medicine may lower your resistance to infection. Prevent infection by avoiding contact with people with colds or other infections.
Do not touch your eyes or the inside of your nose unless you have thoroughly washed your hands first.
Do not use a salt substitute or other potassium supplement without checking with your doctor. Before you begin taking any new medicine, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Caution is advised when using this medicine in the elderly or in children because they may be more sensitive to the effects of the medicine.
For women: use of this medicine during pregnancy has resulted in fetal and newborn death. If you think you may be pregnant, contact your doctor immediately. This medicine is excreted in breast milk. Do not breast-feed while taking this medicine.
<h3>Possible Side Effects</h3>
Side effects that may occur while taking this medicine include cough, dizziness or lightheadedness, drowsiness, and taste changes. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. Check with your doctor as soon as possible if you experience severe lightheadedness or fainting; fast or irregular heartbeat; prolonged nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea; a change in the amount of your urine; unusual joint pain; or unusual muscle pain, cramps, or weakness. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience swelling of hands, legs, face, lips, eyes, throat, tongue, or trunk; difficulty swallowing or breathing; hoarseness; chest pain; unusual stomach pain; yellowing of the skin or eyes; darkening of your urine; sore throat; or fever. An allergic reaction to this medicine is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.
<h3>More Information</h3>
Do not share this medicine with others for whom it was not prescribed. Do not use this medicine for other health conditions.
If you will be taking this medicine for an extended period of time, be sure to obtain necessary refills before your supply runs out.

<H2>Site:</H2> [ Capoten]
[[Category:Blood Pressure/Cholesterol]]