
Supply Chain RFID Applications

10 bytes removed, 09:43, 14 September 2006
/* Features cited in analyzed 15 patent records */
===Features cited in analyzed 15 patent records===
1. The container can be reprogrammed to include updated logic, updated states, and/or updated expected event information. (US20040246130)
2. The system comprises a truck server and an optional in-truck data communications means, which comprise a digital cell phone or satellite link. (US20040201454)
3. A local computer communicates with the see-through display, information gathering devices, and orientation sensors, optical tracking system, and business applications over one or more networks. (US20040182925)
4. OmniTRACS.RTM., which is a two-way satellite communication system that allows trucks to be monitored and tracked and to allow data communication with dispatchers. (US20040174260)
5. The data report from the reporting software can alert the user as to when the detrimental event occurred and identify the custodian who caused the detrimental event. (US20040049428)
6. Web-based information system for a beef marketing alliance; value-based procurement, and supply chain management. (US20020158765)
7. The software contains a component for determining the best time for an animal to go to slaughter based on a target weight. (US20020158765)
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