
OLED Mobile Phones Market Research and Analysis Report

645 bytes removed, 23:24, 18 June 2009
/* OLED Mobile Phone Projections Based on I-Phone */
==OLED Mobile Phone Projections Based on I-Phone==
# p, q and m values are calculated for IThe '''S-Phone from the past data .# We forecasted Graph''' for the cumulative sales or adoption rate projected sale of OLED TV based display mobiles modeled on the p, q and m values.[[Media:Bass_Model_oled_IPhone1.xls|''click here to view details'']]<br>analogous products
<center><gflash>800 500</gflash></center>
:* From Q1, '09 to Q3, '09 , the OLED Mobile Phone display mobile phone market will would grow at a slow pace because the sale is mainly caused slowly, driven by ''innovators.'':* From Q4, '09 to Q4, '10 market will grow at a very fast pace because of rapidly due to the large number of imitators started buying the product at this time. Sales will be caused by ''early adopters.'':* In From Q1, '11 and Q3, '11 market growth will grow at relatively slow rate, sales will be mainly caused by dwindle as ''late adopters'' take to the phones:* Q4, '11 onwards growth is very lesswill peter, sales will be caused by as the laggards. Also pick up the last few models and the market approaches it saturation point.will saturate:* From Q4, 10 there is a dip in the sales, so, there could be technology will near obsolescence and a new technology would substitute by that<br><br>
'''Comparison of Adoption rate of Innovators with those of Imitators'''
:* We determined the The model helps to determine sales caused by to innovators and imitators in each year based on the values of p, q and m.:* m for each year is taken as '''m-N(t-1)''', it represents the number of consumers who have not previously adopted by the start of time ''t'', this is the pool from which the new adoptions in the current period can occur. [[Media:Bass_Model_oled_IPhone1.xls|''click here to view details'']]<br>
<center><gflash>800 500</gflash></center>
From the above This graph we can see shows that a small number of innovators will kick-start the model is dominated by imitators than innovatorssales. OLED Mobile display mobile Phones will get off to a slow start in first 3 three quarters. However, once Once a '''''critical mass''''' is reached by Q 3the end of the Q3, strong imitative effects will take over and as the number of new innovators to adopt the product will slowly diminish over timedecrease.
==Comparing OLED Mobile Phone projections==