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Supply Chain RFID Applications

1 byte removed, 14:20, 12 September 2006
/* SWOT analysis */
{|border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="80%"
|StrengthsSTRENGTHS<br><br>* Advanced technology<br>* Easy to use<br>* High memory capacity<br>* Small size|WeaknessesWEAKNESSES<br><br>* Lack of industry and application standards<br>* High cost per unit and high RFID system costs<br>* Weak market understanding of the benefits of RFID technology
|OpportunitiesOPPOTUNITIES<br><br>* Could replace the bar code<br>* End-user demand for RFID systems is increasing<br>* Huge market potential in many businesses<br>* Need for standardization|ThreatsTHREATS<br><br>* Ethical threats concerning private life<br>* Highly fragmented competitive environment