Dolcera collaboration offering

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Revision as of 18:43, 10 August 2006 by Eduardr (Talk | contribs)

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Interactive news

  • An interactive news platform for sharing relevant news with colleagues
  • Stories that are ranked highly by colleagues will help guide the research Dolcera performs
  • Dolcera will actively seek out and provide additional information in highly rated areas

Interactive news process

  • The user browses and reads stories

Interactive news - story.jpg

  • The user finds this story interesting, and decides to mark it as such. Chooses a specially prepared bookmark from the browser bookmarks list

Interactive news - bookmarklet.jpg

  • The user fills out a title and description field and sumits the story

Interactive news - submit link.jpg

  • The user confirms the story submission

Interactive news - story confirm.jpg

  • The story appears on the stories website. Its votes counter will change as other users vote for the story

Interactive news - stories.jpg

  • Dolcera monitors the story list on an ongoing basis, and makes adjustments in research focus depending on the stories users are voting for.