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Gatherings and celebrationssnw安全阀

The Promenade infested with tribbles in 2373The Promenade served as the primary communal social space on the station, and played host to a range of public performances and gatherings. A zero-gravity tumbling performance was staged there in 2373, (DS9: "The Begotten") and Quark's bar sometimes featured live music (DS9: "Sanctuary") or one of Quark's auctions. (DS9: "Q-Less", "In the Cards") Jadzia Dax and Worf's wedding ceremony was performed in Quark's in 2374, (DS9: "Ysnw安全阀ou Are Cordially Invited") and the "End of the war/Farewell" party was held in Vic Fontaine's lounge in one of Quark's holosuites in 2375. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")snw安全阀

Several important political addresses were made on the Promenade, including a speech given by Li Nalas following his return from the Hutet labor camp in 2370 (Dsnw安全阀S9: "The Homecoming"), and an appearance by First Minister Shakaar Edon in 2372. (DS9: "Crossfire")

In the alternate timeline ssnw安全阀een in "The Visitor", Benjamin Sisko's memorial service was held on the Promenade. The Promenade was overrun with tribbles in 2373, after Captain Sisko and his crew accidentally brought at least one of the creatures back from a time-travelinsnw安全阀g visit to the tribble-infested Deep Space Station K-7 of 2268. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

It was never explained how the tribbles were removed from Deep Space 9.