Multiple diabolos

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Multiple diabolos

Perhaps the most active area of development for diabolo involves tricks with more than one diabolo on a single string. When manipulating multiple diabolos "low", the diabolos orbit continuously on the string in a "shuffle". Shuffles are either synchronous (commonly referred to as "sync"), asynchronous ("async"), or only using the diaboloist's dominant hand, depending on whether the diaboloist's hands' movements occur simultaneously or not. Juggling multiple diabolos "high" involves continuously catching and throwing a number of diabolos, with never more than one diabolo on the string at any one time. Diabolists have pushed the number of diabolos juggled at once up to 6 high (although there is some controversy as to whether this counts as the number of catches achieved is so small) and 4 low. Most diabolists, however, stick to using only two or three diabolos at once. The introduction of multiple diabolos on a single string allows for many new moves. Many are applications of one diabolo moves to multiple diabolos.

  • Accelerations - The diabolos are accelerated while they wrapped and the diaboloist dominant hand is pulled up in order to gain speed. 2 other ways of accelerating diabolos are either doing Chinese acceleration or the diabolos are shuffled very fast.
  • Hyperloop/Sprinkler - The diabolos orbit each other inside a closed loop of string.
  • Columns/Mini-columns - Two diabolos are bounced up and down on the string.
  • Siteswap - A notation borrowed from toss juggling in which the diabolos are thrown in different rhythms based on a numeric description.
  • Fan - Two diabolos are spun between the arms in a way which mimics the blades of a fan.
  • Sun - The diabolos are swung in a circle
  • Suicide - Similar to the one diabolo suicides but some tricks are not possible
  • Knots - Similar to one diabolo knots, but both diabolos are wrapped up
  • Stalls - This is where one or both diabolos are still spinning but not in shuffle. This allows a diaboloist to do a trick with the other.