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Ften hired

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Quark was often hired to cater events and meetings on the station, particularly in the wardroom, where he would provide food and drink together with a waiter service; he would charge by the head for such events. (DS9: "The Adversary", "Crossfire", "Business as Usual") He would also indulge in a bit of culinary experimentation from time to time, resulting in creations of varying success: Chief Miles O'Brien branded the[ 北京抽粪]short-lived 'Quarktajino' (a decaffeinated version of famous Klingon coffee, raktajino) "poison", while the 'Kai Winn' chocolate soufflé was very popular. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong", "Life Support") [ 北京抽粪] Foods and beverages known to be available at Quark's: [ 北京抽粪] This list contains 50 items. (show all | hide all) Foods: (18) Azna Bacon [ 北京抽粪] 'Kai Winn' chocolate soufflé Corned beef hash Couscous Eggs Gramilian sand peas [ 北京抽粪] Groatcakes Hasperat I'danian spice pudding Kohlanese stew Lokar beans Puree of beetle Steak Syrup of squill Tube grubs Uttaberry crêpes Yamok sauce Beverages: (32) Aldebaran whiskey Andorian ale Bajoran ale Black hole Bloodwine Deka tea Eelwasser Enyak's milk Gamzian wine Kanar Langour Maraltian Seev-ale Modela aperitif Prosecco Prune juice Quarktajino (discontinued) Raktajino Romulan ale Root beer Samarian sunset Slug-o-Cola Snail juice Springwine Stardrifter Starduster Synthale Synthehol Til'amin froth Tranya Trixian bubble juice Warp core breach Whelan Bitters Because Quark's was fitted with replicators, it could be assumed that any food or beverage that could be ordered at any other replicator on the station could also be ordered at Quark's. [edit] Gaming

Dabo: a popular (and financially dangerous) game of chance and skillQuark's also operated as a casino. A number of gaming tables were located on Level 1, the most prominent of which was Dabo. The spinning of the Dabo wheel and cries of "Dabo!" were familiar background noises in Quark's. In 2373, an alien visitor was caught manipulating the Dabo wheel using a graviton emitter hidden in a ring on his hand so that a friend of his could win. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")

Games of tongo would occasionally be played (DS9: "Meridian", "Business as Usual", "Change of Heart"), and a dartboard was installed at the insistence of Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "Visionary") Other alien games would also be brought to the bar from time to time (DS9: "Move Along Home"), and Quark was warned on several occasions against attempting to stage illegal Cardassian vole fights. (DS9: "Visionary", "Through the Looking Glass")

Quark regularly ran betting pools, including taking bets on a fight between Benjamin Sisko and Q, (DS9: "Q-Less") springball and darts matches between Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien, (DS9: "Rivals", "Shakaar") the outcomes of Odo's security investigations, (DS9: "Crossfire") the time of return of Worf and Ezri Dax to the station after they were kidnapped by the Breen, (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil") and Bajoran elections for the new Kai. When she took command of the station in 2375, Colonel Kira Nerys made all betting pools illegal. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")