Last modified on 26 September 2007, at 00:37

Hugh Manatee

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I think the arrangement is much more temporary than marriage.搬家

My view: La Rossa is an example of the classic film noir "femme fatale", she knows men (or at least "this man" (the narrator) desires her, she allows him in, but only to satisfy he搬家r own desires, then dismisses him out into the harsh daylight and the cold streets. He is only thinking of his own satiated desires, not of how he has been used, or any future consequences of the act. A discussi搬家on of the stigmata would require far more detailed attention than I have the time 搬家to go into now.

[edit]Dan Coffey 搬家 Much more than a nagging doubt I think. I read the lyric as from the point of view of a man reliving the scene in his head sometime after the night/morning after, and the bitterness with which the "lifetime of remorse" is delivered says to me that he in fact is regretting it, and i搬家s cursing himself for a fool for not seeing the full measure of the equation. 搬家 [edit]Hugh Manatee never even questioning, of course, if one moment of perfect passion is worth a lifetime of remorse... 搬家 would seem to indicate that the regret hasn't hit home.....yet.