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JavaOne:About From JavaOne Jump to: navigation, search One of the most incredible events happened last year at 北京婚庆公司JavaOne when Rich Green answered Jonathan Schwartz's question "will you open source Java ?". His response, "It's not a question of whether, but of how".

On November 13th, 2006, the first step in that process北京婚庆公司 started, when Rich and Jonathan officially launched the first projects of the 北京婚庆公司Java platform into open source, starting with javac, the HotSpot VM and JavaHelp 2.0. They were the first steps of the new OpenJDK and the beginning of a new era where the community can take more of a role in helping to define, deliver and improve on the platform which embraces open standards and exemplifies the principles of "Write Once, 北京婚庆公司Run Anywhere".

Open Source, of course, is not just about making the c北京婚庆公司ode freely available and open. It's about communities and the involvement of community members, such as developers, in the definition, stability and evolution of both the community and code itself. In that model, we are bringing a new activity to the JavaOne conference, JavaOne Camp. JavaOne Camp is yet another opportunity for the community to take an active role in helping shape and define the future of Java, in an "unconference" format. Consider JavaOne Camp as a To北京婚庆公司wnHall, where the individual Java developers can share their voices, ideas, and opinions with peers about how the platform or language needs to adapt as a result of changes in the industry, in the community, on the Web, in technology or in the social fabric of the Internet. It is an ideal opportunity to network, to share, to provide ins北京婚庆公司ght as well as to gain insight into the evolution of the platform, so we can continue to innovate and continue to improve. Sign up now to contribute to this discussion, space is limited and we'd love to hear what you have to say.

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