
Botox - from Medical Procedure to Household Word

234 bytes added, 18:32, 18 August 2009
/* Y-o-Y sale of botox procedures */
* Safety of botox was proven through invasive muscular and neurological procedures very well till 1992.
* In 1992, a serendipitous discovery showed Botox effect on 'smoothing wrinkles'
* Consumer adoption happened through off label use (6 years before FDA approval for cosmetic use) due to 'Expert Buzz'* Leading drivers and an existing demand for a 'Expert Buzzwrinkle smoothing' product (as shown from number of Collagen procedures that numbered 400,000 in 1997)* Experts were 'safety willing to recommend/try Botox on their patients due to two factors: (A) Safety of Botox' (in higher doses for invasive muscular and other disorders) and (B) It'serendipitous s proven discovery' for wrinkle smootheningto smooth wrinkles
* Suddenly experts got a substitute for collagen procedures that took more a few months to show perceptible results (as shown below)