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Shade of Aran -Make sure you kick Frost Bolt/Fire Bolt all the time kick is availiable. (No need to kick arcane since aran waste mana already when start casting arcane) -Deadly poison, rupture on him all the time to maximize damage. -CloS can remove slow debuff during arcane explosion. -Sprint can remove slow debuff as well. -Dont move or turn during flamewreath!, get in melee spot all the time to prevent unnecessary moving. -You wont get hit by blizzard. -Save CloS to use when Aran targetting you, or when you figure out that water elemental shooting at you. -Frost protection potion help during water elemental phase. -Use pots/HS immediately after Aran pyroblast. (If you have only one interuptor he will mostly go oom and do pyroblast) IT外包 Illhoof -Kill demon chain fast (Use "/target demon chain "macro) -Apply wound poison 5 stacks before he sacrifice help loads. -If you're combat, your bladefurry can help killing add around illhoof fast. -CloS out of fire debuff from big elite imp if you get it. (But most likely not) -Stack rupture on him all the time too since he's not immune to bleeding.

Netherspite -You can take green beam all phase or even blue beam. (Depend on raid leader to assign you or not) -If you're beam taker, Dont use CloS or you cant take beam and get beam debuff. -CloS help during banish phase/portal phase. Use it whenever possible in portal phase. Use it when u're about to get him by netherbreath during banish phase. (If you stand at his front you will get hit) -You can attack during banish phase. BUT dont attack him at his front, or you will get cleaves and die in a second. Some says dont attack at all in banish phase for safe side. Up to you. Here's a quick site update for the World of Warcraft dudes before you get back to your daily grind. The WoW main site just updated their PvP Weapon and Battleground section. Updates include a price list telling you just how much you need to save for whatever gear you need. Check out these sections for the updates: PvP Weapon Rewards Alterac Valley Rewards Arathi Basin Rewards Warsong Gulch RewardsPlayers will also be happy to know they can now view the upcoming level 70 gears. Consider this an opportunity to plan long-term, and see what's worth saving for in the upcoming weeks/months. Also remember to check your e-mail to prep for The Burning Crusade Expansion, just in case you haven't been active lately.餐具消毒 洗碗机 慢性荨麻疹 荨麻疹 Patch 2.3 and you: Rogue edition 湿疹 湿疹 皮炎 My oh my, it's a veritable information storm out there in the forums. We've already talked about Shaman and Priest buffs in 2.3. Here are a few changes that are coming for the sneakier ones among us: 神经性皮炎 灭菌器 [http://www.zhuoyueenglish.com/ 英语 口语] 英语培训 太阳能路灯 we actually have some changes coming in 2.3 for Deadly Throw. The speed at which it travels is being increased significantly, so it will reach your target much faster, and the snare duration is being increased slightly. One second longer if I remember correctly. (Drysc)wow power leveling everquest 2 power leveling [http://www.chieftech.net.cn/product1.asp 空气净化机] 空气净化器 [http://www.chieftech.net.cn/product-csjs.asp 工业除湿机] It won't be able to activate Ruthlessness anymore though, no more chain deadly throws. (Kalgan) 抽湿机 除湿机 Do you mean the amazing change to Shadowstep so that it can now be used at any time, not only while stealthed? In addition, after use of Shadowstep threat caused by the next Ambush, Garrote or Backstab will be reduced by 50%. The cooldown will however be increased to 40 seconds.压力传感器 [http://www.ntpress.com/ 油 压机] 生物安全柜 液压机 痛风 Also on the Subtlety front is a change to Dirty Deeds so that it will also be increasing damage of special attacks by 10/20% against targets that are below 35% health.北京礼品公司 [http://www.hlwt- tech.com/ CDMA路由器] CDMA无线路由器 We're also taking a look at bumping up Hemorrhage a bit, but no details yet on what that may be. (Drysc) 上海翻译 Fleet Footed will now be a 15% speed increase instead of 8%. (Kalgan) 上海翻译公司 In 2.3 Blind will no longer require a reagent. It will also be changed to a physical attack, will share the same diminish category as Cyclone, and diminish in PvE as well as PvP. (Drysc) 浪涌保护器 we've updated [Blind to be a ranged physical attack (also no longer counts as a poison) (Kalgan) 纸管机 吸塑机 That's quite a bit of stuff. I'm especially pleased to see Shadowstep increased in viability, so I no longer have to wince whenever a SS rogue joins one of my groups. Deadly Throw gets both a buff and a nerf, which I suppose will make it more generally useful, but less useful in the specific case of DT kiting. The Dirty Deeds buff is extremely interesting; +10% when the target is below 35% translates to a 3.5% increase in damage overall to special attacks, which is not at all shabby for one talent point (and that's not even including DDs' current, lackluster effect of energy reduction on CS and Garotte). As for the Blind changes, all I have to say is that it's about time. I have no opinion on Fleet Footed, since I've never used it, but maybe someone else does. 无纸记录仪 红外测温仪 红外线测温仪 触摸屏 光纤收发器 [http://www.eqset.com everquest 2 power leveling] Raid Boss Rogue Strategy Guidewow powerleveling wow gold 散热器 By Tajz 模特衣架 Ok out of boredom i decided to write something up hoping to help fellow rogue communities. They're up for debating and updating so feel free to comment and add your thought! 高血压 Karazhan Attumen the Huntsman 北京网站建设 -Simple fight, just dps race. Make sure you aint overagro.日语学校 -Cloak of Shadow can remove his curse. Do so whenever the curse is at you. -Attumen not effect by bleeding. (Cant rupture) 升降机 日语培训 Moroes 论文发表 -Get adds fast. In case you dont have enough tank, pop evasion, with one assigned healer you can offtank one of them for certain period. Google左侧排名 [http://www.net189.cn/xinwen_ye.asp? id=14 Google优化] Google排名 Google优化 Google排名 网站建设 [http://www.net189.cn/pingmian.asp 平面 设计] 电子杂志 Google左侧优化 [http://www.net189.cn Google排名优 化] Google左侧排名 程序开发 电子杂志制作 电子杂志 -CloS cant remove garrote so ask healer to heal you. -Moroe not effect by bleeding. (Cant rupture)

Maiden -Ask mage to Dampen Magic you, it help a lot. -Ask priest for lightwell so you can get out and heal instantly no need to bandage. -Get away from maintank if you see his hp is too low. (To prevent chain hits) -CloS whenever possible to mitegrate damage. -You can do best dps here if there is healer to heal you. (Chain heal from shammy work like wonder) 服装印花 货架 java培训 精油 芳香疗法 Opera:Big Bad Wolf -Prepare to run if you're red riding hood! -You can sprint during the red riding hood. -You can vanish out of the red riding hood. (confirm?) -Can be rupture/poison.

Opera:Romulo Julianne -Main job is to interupt juliane healing. (Eternal ...) -Can be rupture/poison. so wound poison help in case misinterupt her heal.

Opera:Crone -Nothing in particular but a dps race. -Watch your thread, just dont overagro. It's simple fight. 五金配件 藏獒 藏獒 利郎 领带 衬衫 丝巾 物流软件 针孔摄像机 窃听器 Beijing Tour [http://www.hicon -tech.com.cn 无线网桥] 无线监控 渔具 废品回收 产品设计 工业设计 投影机灯泡 [http://www.bjlamp.com/bjlamp/quote/chanpin.asp 投影机 维修] Curator -Make sure tanker tank him not too far from range so you can run to add easily. -Save sprint for the last add before evocation (he will evocation,2x damage, when he's low mana) so you can get back to curator faster. -Immune to bleeding/poison. (No rupture here) -Get add fast but dont blow your cooldown on it. Save em when curator evocation. -CloS whenever possible to mitegrate some damages from add. -If your guild need arcane absorber, rogue is a perfect class. But it isnt necessary.

Prince -Nothing but dps race. -Keep rupture/deadly at him all the time to max dps. -If you get emfeeble (1hp) run back to the group. -CloS can use to prevent shadow nova damage/knockback. -If your CloS is cooldown, and prince is casting shadownova, face your back on the wall so you will not knockback too far. -Use sprint as soon as u get knockback by shadownova to get urself in spot for maximum dps as soon as possible. -Use evasion in last phase if you're getting hit by those flying axes. -CloS can prevent those fire AoE from fire elementals, but dont risk ^^.

Nightbane -Dps him at his side. -Dont ever go near his front or you will get hit by fire AoE. -Dont ever go near his tail either or you will get tail sweep. -Move out from Charing Earth fire AoE. -CloS can remove those fire debuff/dot if you get it. -Help party dpsing skeletons / stun during flying phase. -You can bladefurry all skeletons but be sure that you have evasion ready to blow. (or healer ready to heal you) -Stop dpsing 10sec before he land, vanish if you have to prevent agroing nightbane while he landing. -Basicly dps race.

Gruul's Lair Highking Maulgar -First you will start at Blindeye the priest. Interupt his healing at all cost. Wound poison will help in case your raid misinterupt him but deadly is the best bet. Just kill him fast. -Kigger has some knockback AoE, but not that hurt. -Dont even think to dps Krosh Firemage, just sit back and watch or start dpsing highking. -Watch out whirlwind from highking. Downloading bossmod help, just move away from him when whirlwind cooldown is about to finish. -All mobs here can be rupture/poison so keep them up all the time!

Gruul -CloS can remove slow debuff from Ground Slam. Save your CloS for this!, Very helpful. Once you get a hang of this you will never die during ground slam! -Spread out from your fellow melee dpser and tank. -Rupture/Deadly Poison him all the time. -Move away if you are in Cavein. -Dont overagro the second tank in agro list or you will get hit by hurtfulstrike.

Magtheridon -During Chaneller phase, you should pay close attention to interupt Dark Mending. Dont let them heal or you will most likely wipe the raid. (Deadly poison here since they shouldnt allow to heal at all!) -After that it's just tank and spank. Hit magtheridon from the back (he has no tail sweep). Go near the cube and be ready to click when he's about to cast (boss mod helps!) if you're assigned. -Keep urself heal up around 32%, cause at 30% you will get hit 6k. -Avoid Cavein all period of fight, and things should be fine.

That's all my tips from my experience, Anymore would be welcome. If there any mistake here i'm sorry hehe, feel free to tell me that. Addition rogue strategy for later raid boss e.g. TK,SSC are welcoming here ^^. wow gold wow powerleveling 电子签名 数字签名 电子盖章 [http://www.e-sign.cn/dzyz.asp 电子印章] 移民 加拿大移民 投资移民加拿大 投资移民 移民加拿大 商业移民 出国移民 技术移民 留学 加拿大留学 澳洲留学 荷兰留学 新加坡留学 韩国留学 美国留学 英国留学 新西兰留学 瑞典留学 马来西亚留学 日本留学