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Latest revision as of 11:15, 27 September 2007

A total of 200,000 tons of edible oil wow gold reserves will be auctioned to curb price hikes during the week-long National Day holidays, officials have announced.

The move is the latest effort by food and price watchdogs to rein in inflation, which is largely driven by soaring grain, pork and edible oil prices.

The consumer price index, a key gauge of inflation, hit 6.5 percent last month, the highest in a decade. Edible oil prices rose about 30 percent.

"The auction will ease inflation and the market shortage," said Chen Lina, an analyst with Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant Ltd.

The auction - of 178,000 tons of soybean oil and 22,000 tons of rapeseed oil stored in reserve in 11 wow gold provinces - will take place simultaneously in Anhui, Tianjin and Guangdong, with online transactions permitted.

No company can buy more than 5,000 tons, the State Grain Administration said in a notice posted on its website on Tuesday.

But given the annual per capita edible oil consumption of 18 kg, experts said long-term incentives are needed to improve the bleak situation of soybean and wow gold rapeseed production, which has suffered constant declines due to low profit margins and competition from the global market.

The State Cables Council issued guidelines on powerleveling Monday to ease the situation.

According to the guidelines:

Oilseed production will be revived by offering subsidies and tightening controls over edible oil exports.

Soybean production acreage that enjoys subsidies will be expanded to 2.67 million hectares from 700,000 hectares.

Rapeseed farmers are entitled to 150 yuan ($19) subsidy per hectare.

By the end of 2010, oilseed production area will increase by 6 percent, powerleveling and total production by 14 percent.

However, Cables given the higher profit in wheat production, farmers might be reluctant to switch to rapeseeds, according to Chen.

Due to shrinking area and bad weather, rapeseed production is expected to drop by 5 percent from last year to hit 12 million tons; and soybean production to hit the lowest level in a decade at 14.4 million tons this year.

The State Council announced last week Burglar alarm that the import duty on soybeans would be slashed from 3 percent to 1 percent to encourage oil production.

Last month, the government released pork reserves in the market to "ensure wow gold that the major food prices will remain stable during the rest of the year".

Sponsors of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games world of warcraft gold have been required to protect the ozone layer to ensure a "Green Olympics", according to a newly-released report on the Beijing Olympics and Paralymics.

The Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games (BOCOG) had requested Olympic sponsors, such as Volkswagen (China), Coca Cola, McDonald's and Haier, to protect the environment protection and the ozone layer, according to the report released Thursday by the Construction and Environment Department of BOCOG.

The report, which summarizes BOCOG's work in the 2001-2006 period, stresses that ozone layer protection has been a major aspect of the concept of the "Green Olympics", which, together with "High-tech Olympics" and "People's Olympics", has been adopted as a theme for the Games.

Yu Xiaoxuan, deputy director of the Construction and Environment Department, said all the Olympic sponsors have expressed their willingness to do their best to make the Games ozone friendly.

Coca Cola is considering partially adopting natural refrigerants, such as carbon dioxide, world of warcraft gold rather than ozone depleting substances (ODS) for almost 4,000 freezers to be provided during the Games.

In addition to its pledge not to use any ODS during the Games, McDonald's has a team dedicated to dealing with the use of any ODS.

China's biggest home appliance manufacturer Haier is planning to develop a new generation of refrigerators by adopting natural refrigerants from solar energy. So far, all refrigerators produced by the company do not world of warcraft gold use chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), which damage the ozone layer.

"We will continue to collaborate with the sponsors and ask them to fulfil their commitments in the days to come," Yu said.

The President Hu Jintao and visiting Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno were present on the occasion after a one-hour meeting in the Great Hall of the People. According to the agreements, China will provide preferential loans to the central African country, help construct a government building and offer facilities for water and power supply.

China Cables will also provide humanitarian aid and anti-malaria medicines and build an anti-malaria center.

China and Chad resumed diplomatic ties on August 6 last year. The two countries had established formal diplomatic links in 1972 but China severed diplomatic Burglar alarm relations with Chad in 1997 when it "re-established diplomatic ties" with Taiwan, a province of China.

Bilateral relations have developed smoothly since the two countries resumed diplomatic ties, Hu said during his talks with Deby Itno. Exchanges between the two sides at various levels have gained momentum and cooperation in various fields has rapidly increased,A spokesman for China's space program said the Chinese government Burglar alarm works on peaceful use of the outer space to promote development of human civilization and social development and benefit the whole mankind.. A strategy video game called "Halo Wars" is set for release in 2008. Last year, Microsoft reached a deal in which Peter Jackson, the Academy Award-winning director of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and his wife, screenwriter Fran Walsh, will help create two new video games, at least one of them in the "Halo" universe. 抽动症 展会公司 韩国服装 上海大闸蟹 厂房网 电缆