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Jadzia kept an oath made by Curzon with his Klingon brothers. His friends' sons had been killed by the Albino, a master criminal, and they vowed vengeance. At first they were reluctant to accept her into their group, but she persuaded them. She participated in the attack that killed the Albino; however, two ofyoshitake阀门 the three Klingons were killed as well. (DS9: "Blood Oath") yoshitake阀门 That same year, Jadzia took on the role that had caused her so much pain before, that of field docent. Her initiate, Arjin, boarded Deep Space 9 with a great deal of apprehension because of the legendary harshness of Dax as a field docent. Jadzia, however, was determined not to be the same kind of docent that Curzon had been and made every effort to convince Arjin of this. (DS9: "Playing God") yoshitake阀门

Jadzia was threatened with the removal of Dax on second occasion in 2371, when it was discovered that a previously undisclosed host, Joran Belar, had been psychotic. The Trill Symbiosis Commission had kept the memories of Joran blocked from both symbiont and host, but they began to resurface and threatened to cause Jadzia to reject Dax. Under threat of exposing their great secret – that one in two Trill were capable of joining, not the generalyoshitake阀门ly believed one in ten-thousand – the Commission agreed yoshitake阀门 Also in 2371, she was transported back in time to the era of the Bell Riots, an event which caused social upheaval and awareness of the plight of the poor. While Sisko and Bashir were trapped in a Sanctuary District, she was able to contact the crew of the Defiant, who were able to return them to their own timeline. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I", "Past Tense, Part II")

Sometime between stardates 48959 (DS9: "The Adversary") and 49011 (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") Jadzia was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.